NVIDIA Fundamentals of Deep Learning for for Computer Vision
Course length
1 day
Course Price

Tomer Gal
CTO at OpTeamizer Ltd
An NVIDIA Preferred Partner, Deep Learning AI Institute
A lecturer for the hi-tech industry and also in the academy
DLI-certified Instructor of CUDA and Deep Learning courses
NVIDIA DLI University Ambassador
More than 10 years of GPU development experience
Making many years of GPU development experience accessible to you and your team.
To register this course or get more information - contact us via contact form on this website or call us:
✉ Tomer.Gal@OpTeamizer.co.il
| ☎ +972 (54) 746-7477
✉ Stavit.Suki@OpTeamizer.co.il
| ☎ +972 (54) 213-1337
✉ Office@OpTeamizer.co.il
| ☎ +972 (3)-953-3365
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomer-gal-opteamizer
About the course

Upcoming dates
Information soon...
This NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) course is now available in Israel, by an NVIDIA DLI-certified instructor Tomer Gal, CTO at OpTeamizer Ltd, an official NVIDIA Preferred Partner.
Course Name:
Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision.
1 day.
Course Description:
Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision workshop hosted by NVIDIA DLI and OpTeamizer Ltd.
Explore the fundamentals of deep learning by training neural networks and using results to improve performance and capabilities.
In this course, you’ll learn the basics of deep learning by training and deploying neural networks. You’ll learn how to:
Implement common deep learning workflows, such as image classification and object detection
Experiment with data, training parameters, network structure, and other strategies to increase performance and capability
Deploy your neural networks to start solving real-world problems
Upon completion, you’ll be able to start solving problems on your own with deep learning.
Lunch included at Carlton Hotel.
Enroll to receive price and course information.