transforming real-life photos to cartoons by 2 CNN discriminator and generator approaches, Generative adversarial network is a class of machine learning frameworks.
suggested by khalil daibes and saeed ismael.
Hi @khalil daibes , Stylegan 3 is accepted. Make sure you don't use Stylegan 1 or Stylegan 2. Good luck!
Hi Tomer we decided to do "Create High Resolution GAN Faces with Pre-trained NVIDIA StyleGAN and Google CoLab"
github link:
Youtube refrences :
another youtube refrence:
1. You need to provide a link on which the project is based on 2. It is assumed that the project you are suggesting is not a yearly project which is already done as a part of the degree 3. Projects should have been chosen and approved by the 21 DEC. I recommend to hurry up, being late can affect the grade.
we have decided to suggest a A Combined CNN and LSTM Model for Arabic Tweets Sentiment Analysis.
Hi Khalil, Project rejected. CartoonGAN was already done previous year. Please choose a different project.